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Cheese, Dairy Processing

The advantages, disadvantages of pasture-fed cow’s milk for cheese

By John Lucey

Dairy Foods | October 2021

Milk is more than a collection of components; thus, it cannot easily be recreated in a lab.


Cheese joins snack food revolution

By John Lucey

Cheese Market News | September 2021

In today’s day and age, consumers expect a lot from their snacks. They want convenient, flavorful and nutritious options. The good news is that cheese is one of the few product categories that can meet the high expectations of consumers.


Maintain high-quality cheese brines

By John Lucey

Dairy Foods | August 2021

Brining is an important part of the cheesemaking process for most types of Italian, alpine, blue, Camembert, and Dutch-style cheeses. There are two main types of brine tanks: static ones such as a pit and dynamic raceways where brine flows in a serpentine pattern. No matter which system is used, maintaining high-quality brine is labor-intensive and comes with some challenges. So, why do we brine cheese?


The new face of dairy industry training

By John Lucey

Cheese Market News | May 2021

Training and the passing down of knowledge have always been an important part of the dairy industry. Many of our skilled cheesemakers, like our Wisconsin Master Cheesemakers, started working in their local or family plants at a young age where they got hands-on training and knowledge from experienced cheesemakers. This passing on of dairy knowledge is crucial to maintaining a vibrant industry.

Cheese, Safety & Quality

Hispanic cheeses present opportunities, challenges

By John Lucey

Dairy Foods | April 2021

Production and consumption of Hispanic cheeses have grown significantly in the United States. In 2019, the United States manufactured about 333 million pounds of Hispanic cheeses versus only 206 million pounds in 2009. Between 2009 and 2019, U.S. per-capita consumption of Hispanic cheeses nearly doubled.

Cheese, Safety & Quality, Dairy Processing

Fend off bacteriophage in cheese plants

By John Lucey

Dairy Foods | January 2021

Cheese is a “living” food due to the presence of different types of bacteria and sometimes yeast and mold, depending on the cheese variety. Like any other living thing, the bacteria used in cheese can get sick.
